We are pleased to offer four choral groups for a variety of ages.
Jubilate (ages 4-7)
Jubilate is an engaging 45-minute rehearsal geared for students ages 4 through around 7 years old. These eager you singers memorize the same rhythms, pitch and vocal production skills as the older singers but in an age-appropriate and high-energy setting. As they play folk song games and perform in concerts, Jubilate members interact with each other and learn how to function as a group.
Cantate 1 (ages 7-13)
Cantate 1 digs into the beginning concepts of reading real music. We spend 75 minutes drilling music facts, reading choral music and even enjoy an energetic folk-song/game to break up the hard work. Singers each receive a choral notebook and use 2-part choral sheet music as their “text” for learning to read music while they work on healthy vocal production. Students in this choir can test on their “Choral Skills” packets and earn a rank promotion when each packet is passed. This choir performs in concerts at the end of every session.
Cantate 2 (ages 12-19)
Cantate 2 students must pass a basic pitch-matching test in order to participate in this ensemble.
This friendly group of teens digs even deeper into reading choral sheet music while learning healthy vocal skills. This 75 minute rehearsal provides students with vocal training for their maturing voices. We use 3 and 4-part choral sheet music and students continue to test on their “Choral Skills” packets. The students perform with great joy while using sheet music in our concerts.
Cantate Ensemble members are auditioned and must show that they can read music somewhat independently while working within small groups to learn their parts. The music is more demanding and rewarding to perform with 5, 6 and sometimes more parts! These singers enjoy jazz, gospel, and even college-level music.
Greetings in the name of Jesus,
I am a Christian composer and arranger from Asheville, NC, and I’ve done some unique arrangements of Amazing Grace (“How Sweet the Sound” and “Now I See”) and “He Who Would valiant Be” (from John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress”). I’ve also written a choral setting for the 23rd Psalm that has a Celtic sound. I’m looking for a choir to sing these and record them for me. Currently, the only demos I have of them is the computer “singing” them. I can give you any and all of the music if you will agree to record them and let me use the recordings for my demos and marketing. They would probably be best suited for the oldest group. Of course, your choirs and homeschool group will get credit, including links to your website and social media. You can check out the music at https://www.salt-cellar-creations.com/choral Once you’ve decided on which ones you’d like, please email me and I’ll send you the files. The only thing you’ll need to do is print them!
John Daniels
Hello John,
If you are still interested, we’d like to perform some of your music! Quality Christian music is SO difficult to find these days for choirs! I hope that you are still composing and arranging for the Lord!
Blessings, Carrie Jo Mangle
Email me at: cantatecarriejo@gmail.com