NEW! Small Group Music Skills Coaching & Testing

We at Cantate Home School Choirs deeply value making beautiful music for the joy of the Lord. Giving students an excellent musical education to be used for His glory has always been our top priority. To that end we would love to introduce you to a new program that we will be starting in September! (This will replace the “testing” we have done in the past.)

We would like to invite your singers to participate in small group music lessons to be offered before or after your their rehearsal time. Students will be divided into groups of six or less based on age and musical ability. These 20 minute “classes” will be every week with the same teacher and students. Singers will be guided through a rigorous musical education starting with beginners learning the basics of pitch-matching and rhythm to our advanced students learning complex music theory.

We truly believe that this intentional music instruction will exponentially grow your student’s musical ability and therefore our choir program’s musicianship. We cannot wait to see where the Lord takes us with the addition of this new program!

How It Works

Students will be assigned to a small group that meets before or after their choir rehearsal. They will attend the same coaching group each week. (We are grouping students by age and progress in their testing packets.)

During their coaching sessions, students will learn, practice and pass the various levels of their skills packets so that they can earn certificates.

Regular attendance is highly recommended, but not mandatory. Complete the SIGN UP process HERE.